Neptune Sand Filters
The filter should be placed on a level concrete slab, very firm ground, or equivalent. The filter should be placed in the right position so that the piping connections, multiport valve are convenient and accessible for operation and service.
Your sand filter operates under high pressure. When any parts of the circulating system (e.g. clamp, pump, filter, valves, etc) is serviced, air can enter the system and become pressurised. Pressurised air can cause the lid or valve to be blown off which can result in severe injury, death or property damage.
Always turn the pool pump off before changing the multiport valve position.
Do not unscrew screws of flange clamp while the pool pump is running.
To prevent damage to the pump and for proper operation of the system, clean the pump strainer and skimmer basket regularly.
To prevent water leakage, make sure all pipe connections are tight.
After a period of time, the accumulated dirt in the filter causes a resistance to flow, and the flow diminishes. This means it is time to clean your filter.

Neptune Cartridge Filters
The filter should be placed in its permanent location, preferably as close to the pool or spa as practicable. Position the filter tank and pump on a level concrete slab or similar base. Allow sufficient space around the filter for routine maintenance and provide for adequate ventilation and drainage.
It is recommended that the filtration system be adequately protected from the weather.
Assemble the pressure gauge to the filter lid using TEFLON tape on the male thread. Do not over tighten.
If the pump and filter are located below pool water level, it is necessary to fit isolating valves in the pipe between the pump and the pool, and in the return line from the filter to the pool.
Piping should be supported independently and not impose heavy loads on the filter or pump.
When the filter gauge reading is 50-70kpa above the clean filter gauge reading, cleaning the single element cartridge is required. Switch off the pump and close isolating valves on suction and discharge lines where fitted. Open the air bleed valve on the filter lid. Unscrew the lock ring, remove the filter lid and lift out the cartridge element. In most cases the element can be easily cleaned with a garden hose with good water pressure.
Algae, calcium, clay, suntan oil and body oils can form a coating on the element which may not be easily removed with normal hosing. These materials can be removed by soaking the element in a filter de-greaser.